Wednesday 10 March 2010

Crit Feedback

I feel that this crit went quite well and many people were complementary about the work I've produced this far.

General Comments:

- Looking at lots of publication work for context, need to look at posters etc. to contextualise the other elements of the briefs. Yep this is a valid point.
- Look at the book 'Zoom In, Zoom Out' - cover moves to reveal stuff.
- "Theres more to life than A formats..."


- Look at the fonts on the stamp packaging, could these be made more romantic/appropriate using a script font. I already did this and felt that Akzidenz Grotesk Condensed was a good choice due to legibility. The colours and imagery are romance overload already.
- Try showing the stamps on the poster.
- Look at things the post office produce other than stamps - wrapping, postage boxes, envelopes etc.


- Think about a smaller/more intricate package for the magic brief. Making it more decorative could connote an Occultish feel that would help the concept. Screen printing or spot gloss could add extra detail. Perhaps if things folded out within the folder it could obscure certain elements to make it more secretive. Consider the front cover, maybe foil or emboss the triangle logo on it. Yeah I definitely think the folder needs some work, and also a thicker stock to make it seem more professional.
- Consider folding the magic membership certifcate then it could fit into a smaller package. This was countered with comments that people wouldn't want a certificate with folds in it, it is something precious. I agree with this.
- Think how to package the folder for mailing - bubble wrap envelope, stickers, shrink wrap.

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